
Post-Scriptum 2

Since day one we have taken great care of every single thing we undertake. With a long-term strategy, we believe the memory of the gallery is of great importance. That is the reason why we created Post-Scriptum, a first-of-its-kind premium gallery catalogue which records each exhibition we do.

Published every year, Post-Scriptum is a collector's jewel! Each exhibition has its own booklet, and each year all booklets are presented in a deluxe open hardcover case. Each catalogue is published in a limited edition of 162 copies only!

Edition 1, featuring works by Ralph Gibson, Catherine Balet, Alain Cornu, Harold Feinstein and Renato D'Agostin, was endorsed by many of our collectors. We feel however we can still improve it, showcasing larger images, providing more information about each show and enhancing even more its overall design. It’s not about perfection, but all about progress!

Pre-order Post-Scriptum Edition 2
Get your limited edition copy early!
Support the project by simply pre-ordering one or more copies of the edition #2.
Delivery by June 30th, 2019.

If you don’t have the edition 1 of Post-Scriptum, you can also acquire a copy here.